Wednesday, January 28, 2009

investigating CPSIA

is what I'm doing. I've gotten flack from daring to quote the CPSC today, so I'm taking my non-rhino-hide back out of the fray, and back into just looking up the info, to see if this is going to ruin my idea of how to support my yarn habit.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

On my way getting this stuff together. My Knit Picks color cards came today, so I can pick out which yarns will eventually become which projects.

So far, I know there are good colors for Jayne hats and Hogwarts gear. I have to go through the cards though, and figure what I need for which type of thing.

At least I have a source now for relatively inexpensive yarn that doesn't require me leaving my house. Winter + a four month old == blasted hard to get out of the house some days.


Thursday, January 22, 2009


I'm working on ideas, folks. I've got quite a few under my hat (har!) but there's always something more, or something different.

So, what would you like to see? Join the conversation on Nightgig, or leave a comment here!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Woot! It's a brand new blog!

What a surprise.

This time, though, I have an excuse: I'm starting an Etsy store devoted to bringing, you, the geeky, cool stuff inspired by fandom of all kinds.

It's starting with Firefly. Where it goes from there, you'll find out no later than shop open, March 1.

Kit's making me a logo, so both this site and the Etsy store should be more colorful soon.